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A Testimony from M. A.

A Deep Change
When I started A Deep Change, I was excited because I felt I needed a change in my life and not to carry the burdens I had been carrying. I no longer wanted to feel like I had been chewed up and spit out. I’m very grateful for this class. This class taught me the importance of sharing with others in the right setting with the Lord present. It showed me that I’m not alone in my journey and that we all have trials to bear.
The Lord demonstrated that His timing is perfect, and I felt He wanted us all together at the right time and place to be ministered to. The exercises in the book made me reflect and write down issues that had bothered me, which was very therapeutic. At times, they would bring a smile to my face at a good memory from my past. There was also love and laughter as we learned together.
I know I have healing still to do, and it is a process, but this has been a great start and has given me the tools to continue on this path to healing with the Lord and others at my side. It has helped me continue on my walk with the Lord with a lighter burden as He carries it for me. For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, to give you hope and a future.

A Testimony from D.C.

A Deep Change, this program is just that. I was not sure what it was about, but I was looking for a change and a deep one at that. It started with a safe place. A place that allowed me to take my armor off. A place to heal and feel parts of me that I thought were healed. It was a place to feel platonic love for the first time. As the weeks went on, I was able to dig deeper in one of my hardest areas, forgiveness. Though what a deep change has been in the weeks after? By letting go of anger and allowing space for God to work I have reconnected with my Father. I have heard him say he is proud of me. Something that he did because I truly believe God is working on his heart just as much as he is working on mine. As well as I am no longer taking my anger out on my family. I can take deep breaths and allow my children to be children. Though for me and my relationship with God that has changed the most. I no longer see God as authoritative I can now see God as a loving Father, and this is just in the last few weeks. A deep change is a journey that starts with 6 weeks but will last a lifetime.



A Testimony from P.S.

A  Deep Change
As Carol and I come to the end of this 6-week journey and I try to understand God’s purpose for all of this, I can’t help but think that it’s all tied into God wanting me/others to surrender all to Him. To take that deep dive, relinquish all to Him. Allow Him to move and breathe within us. For the kingdom of God has come. Luke 11:20 Why wait till you pass on to abide with and in Him? Eternity is not a place. Eternity is life-abundant. No beginning, no end. Knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ. John 17:3
God needed me to see all the areas I needed to know about that keep me from Him. How I thought the basic ones were it, my heart, my mind, my physical life. But there is more. Deeper within our hearts. An area we may not even know exists. But God put it there just for Him. Nothing can dwell there but Him. Many of us, like me, have built walls, moats, mountains even briar patches, to keep out Who is supposed to dwell there. Amazing our God’s love for us. He pursues us with an everlasting love that if we only would surrender to, we would be fulfilled as He intended.

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